Creative director, marketing & photography

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I collaborate with teams to develop compelling branding and influential digital creative campaigns.

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I have always been interested in combining visual arts and technology, and nowadays we have the perfect opportunity to use both for successful storytelling. Buzzwords like big data, IoT, social media, and conversion rates provide us with greater transparency into how users experience things. Emotional triggers drive us, whether we’re talking about a brand or an Instagram feed. As a creative director, my aim is to create engaging stories through visual media, whether it’s to raise awareness for a cause or persuade viewers to behave in a certain way. The best part about today’s era is that we get instant feedback on how well our stories are resonating with our target audience, and A-Z testing helps us fine-tune our message in real-time. To be successful in marketing, we must constantly evaluate new trends and compare older data with current progress to maximize future responses. However, there are no guarantees, and trends change more quickly than ever, with micro-brands and startups popping up all the time. Although this creates more possibilities than ever, it also increases the volatility of advertising strategies.